Wednesday, July 1, 2009

summertime blues...

now i feel 100% positive that my blog doesn't make a difference in the lives of, well, anyone. however, i have refrained from writing anything recently because i have gotten so down, i just don't have anything positive to say at the moment. i know misery loves company, but i'm trying to spare you all.

in an effort to pick myself up out of the summer slump, i'm going to copy my friends micah and jennie. please give me an uplifting topic to discuss. i can be quite witty at times so go ahead and throw it out there, whatever IT may be.

oh and don't you worry your pretty little heads about me. i get into a summer slump every year here. it's usually because i want to spend summer holidays at the lake. and yes, i do mean THE lake. as far as i'm concerned, there is only one! the over-sized ponds filled with snowmelt in northwest colorado may be beautiful, but looking at them seems to be the only thing they're good for. my boyfriend tried to argue this point the other day. he lost! i also want to put my toes in the sand, hear some waves crashing and eat really GOOD seafood. that's all.


  1. I am positive you have some good road trip stories, college days and after... OR give us your most embarrassing moment. I thought about doing a post like that one day, but I had so many to choose from, I felt like I was going to be typing all day, and it would just be one big jumbled up mess.

  2. I have bloggers block so I am really no help...:) But I agree with Micah - and I'd love to hear some of your CO stories. My aunt lives in Fort Collins - if I didnt live here I would so move out there!
