Tuesday, June 16, 2009

tacky, trashy tuesday

first of all, i want to admit how incredibly unproductive i've been today. thank you micah.

my first item on the agenda happened last week, but has bothered me so much since, i will bring it up now. i was on my way to work. as i start to accelerate from being stopped at the red light on lincoln avenue, i look over just in time to see what has to be the stupidest man alive. he is on a motorcycle. not even a harley, not that it makes a difference, but one of those dirt-bike looking, yet street legal, annoyingly loud things that seem to be all the rage in steamboat. i hate those! i will also preface this with the fact that colorado does not have a helmet law, which is ridiculous. how can you justify a seatbelt law, but not a helmet law?! i favor both. anyway, stupid, as i will call him, is riding along lincoln in the opposite direction with no helmet. fine, you're an adult. go ahead, STUPID! then i glance down just in time to see, what i assume is his daughter, (i certainly hope nobody would leave stupid alone with their child unless he had a legal right to be there) sitting in front of him on the motorcycle with no helmet on as well. this was a main highway. this girl was 3-4 years old. i feel sure you need no further explanation of my fury. i think he should have been pulled over and taken to jail for sheer stupidity...and trashiness!

the second and final item on my agenda are the happy people in commercials, bicycle commercials to be exact. today was day one of riding my bike to work. i did not feel like those smiling people in the "be green" magazine ad i saw last week. no, i did not feel like that at all. i don't care if i was saving the environment one fuel emission at a time or on my way to losing all the weight i've been wanting to. i wasn't smiling and laughing in a pretty sundress with my hair blowing back perfectly in the wind. i think i will sue the producers of those bicycle ads for false advertisement. as a side note, i will say that my bike isn't like a trashy mexican bike or anything. it's actually a really cute schwinn cruiser. that's just what i wanted to complain about today. in my opinion, pretending to be that happy when you so clearly aren't is tacky!

that is all for today. i have put my work aside long enough. happy tacky, trashy tuesday!


  1. Yay for your blog!!
    I dont think I could ride my bike down the road and have the energy to make it back, let alone ride it to work! I am super impressed:)

  2. Hey I haven't talked to you in years! Your blog is very cute and your a great writer! That guy you talked about should be arrested for child abuse, or endangering the life of a minor or something! That is terrible!
