Thursday, June 18, 2009

another summer day has come and gone away...

well not really...we've yet to have any summer weather, but at least it's not snowing. anyway, the point is...i want to go home! (ironically, as i was typing that sentence, the song came on my online radio station. it's a sign!)

don't get me wrong...moving to colorado was the best decision i ever made. for the most part, i've had a wonderful experience. i've made life-long friends. i found myself here, well the beginning of the path that leads to me anyway. i love my boyfriend. i love my roommate (who is also from nc :)). i want them in my life. however, the part of me that wants to be surrounded by the comfort of friends and family that have always been there for me become stronger and stronger everyday.

i hate missing important moments. it breaks my heart every single time and despite what i may have thought in the beginning, it doesn't get any easier. i am heart-broken that i can't go to alicia and brent's wedding this weekend. it absolutely killed me to miss the birth of my three best friend's three beautiful babies. i can't stand spending christmas without my family. i miss those random weekends full of laughter and love. i want to go to birthday parties. i want the kids to recognize me every time they see me. i want to have lake trips and camping trips with the whole crew. i want to go to girls night more than twice a year. i want to take a nap on my mom's couch on a sunday afternoon. i want to sit on the porch on summer nights and see lightening bugs.

of course i've said these things before, but it really does feel different this time. i love the person i'm growing into and i truly believe that moving away played a very important role in making me that person. i also think it's just as important for me to share that person with the people who spent so much time building the foundation and then handing me the pieces to re-build it after each earthquake. it may take a little longer than i expected or wanted, but i'll make it back there eventually. in the meantime, i'll enjoy what i have while i have it. i do live the rockies for now. i'm lucky, i know...but i want to go home!


  1. awww, that makes me sad, and happy all at the same time! You have more guts than anyone i know to be able to move there like you did.

  2. I'm sorry your feeling homesick, sometimes that can be the worst feeling ever. Do you plan in the future to move back to NC?
